Modular environment to connect all steps of design process
modeFRONTIER is built upon a modular environment where you can access all functionalities to automate the simulation process, explore your design space and make data-driven decisions to perfect your design.
Workflow editor
Integrate seamlessly and automate your engineering process
Benefit from our simulation process and automation technology to easily create, execute and monitor complex simulation chains for multidisciplinary optimization projects, while reducing simulation time.
- Manage your engineering process from a single automated workflow.
- Couple with any third-party simulation tools.
- Execute multiple simulations simultaneously.
Optimize your design efficiently and faster
Perfect your design by choosing among a complete set of intelligent algorithms. With the modeFRONTIER Planner modular environment you can create your DOE, RSM-based and optimization studies in an assisted way and focus on your engineering goal.
- Handle hundreds of design parameters and balance conflicting objectives.
- Choose among preconfigured scenarios to quickly set your campaigns.
- Balance time and design iterations with our proprietary algorithm pilOPT in autonomous mode.
- Apply robust technologies to find the best compromise between design performance and stability.
Distributed Execution
Maximize your computing power usage
Speed up your design process with our distributed execution technology. Our execution engines available in modeFRONTIER allow you to configure, monitor and manage your computing resources and distribute your workload across different machines.
- Partition heavy workloads into smaller tasks.
- Execute your workflow in parallel using all available cores of your local machine.
- Run your project on an integrated system of workstations.
Design Space
Gain valuable insights from data
Handle thousands of data, visualize your simulation results and advance the decision-making process with our leading-edge data analysis and visualization tools.
- Quickly identify relevant relations among variables.
- Visualize the optimization results in a smart visual context.
- Choose among Sensitivity Analysis, Statistical Distribution, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) or Response Surface Models (RSM) tools.
- Assess the impact of varying input assumptions and scenarios.
“With modeFRONTIER, we run and evaluate 3000 designs in just one day instead of losing weeks doing it manually.”