Solve complex MDAO studies in a fraction of the time using a validated advanced panel method
Nov 8, 2022 | 3:00 PM CETThis event has already taken place, watch it now.

The joint webinar organized by ESTECO and Research In Flight took place on 8 November at 10 AM (EST).
ESTECO and Research In Flight showcase the optimization of a propeller geometry to meet stakeholders' goals in a complex, changing environment of multiple competing requirements and key performance metrics. Normally such a complex problem would be too time-consuming and costly to solve, especially when high-fidelity volume-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) becomes the bottleneck.
This webinar demonstrates how this class of problem can be addressed by combining ESTECO's efficient server-based approach to Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) technology with Research In Flight's state-of-the-art, versatile, fast, and powerful aerodynamic analysis tools.
The physics are captured by incorporating multiple analyses and disciplines. Parameterized models for aero-propulsion, aero-acoustics, and stress analyses were automated as part of the MDAO. The supporting propeller aerodynamic loads are provided using a viscous coupled potential while the tonal noise is computed using the Farasat Formulation 1A. The material stresses are computed using Finite Element Analysis.
FlightStream is a subsonic, viscous, surface-vorticity panel-method flow solver using a unique surface vorticity, flow-separation & viscous analysis capability.
- Overview of ESTECO and Research In Flight
- Case study: the optimization of a propeller geometry to meet stakeholders' goals in a complex, changing environment of multiple competing requirements and key performance metrics.
- FlightStream Problem Setup/Definition
- VOLTA Problem Setup/Definition
- Conclusion and Q&A