Ottimizzazione multidisciplinare e intelligenza artificiale per il design di veicoli ad alte prestazioni

Ottimizzazione multidisciplinare e intelligenza artificiale per il design di veicoli ad alte prestazioni - Multidisciplinary optimization and artificial intelligence for high performance vehicle design - takes place on February 20, 2025, in Modena. The conference is in Italian.
ESTECO offers a day to explore the advantages of multi-disciplinary optimization in the virtual prototyping phase, with real-life cases presented by experts from the industrial world.
Learn how MDO can help your team maximize performance and reduce development time.
Our experts offer an opportunity to learn how artificial intelligence can re-use data to build simulation models to make real-time decisions in the early stages of virtual prototyping.
The event aims to enable engineers carrying out CAE analysis to discover ESTECO Technology for multidisciplinary optimization and to explore modeFRONTIER and VOLTA for the improvement of car performance.
If you’re interested in receiving more information and are willing to be there in person, please email