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NAFEMS DACH Konferenz 2024

Jun 10, 2024 9:00 AM - Jun 12, 2024 7:00 PM CEST
Germany | Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg, Bamberg
NAFEMS DACH Konferenz 2024

The NAFEMS DACH Konferenz occurs every two years. It takes place from June 10 to 12, 2024 in Bamberg, Germany.
This is the 7th edition and offers you an independent and comprehensive range of information and networking opportunities in the field of numerical simulation methods (CAE).

The NAFEMS DACH Konferenz 2024 proposes interesting keynote lectures as well as contributions from users of various software and hardware products from industry, research and universities. A large exhibition accompanies the conference and we’re there as Silver sponsor.
Take the opportunity to discuss technical topics in various workshops and discussion groups. Meet our experts to exchange experiences and information about Simulation Process and Data Management technology. Come and visit our dedicated booth at the conference to learn more about VOLTA, our SPDM software platform.

Read here to learn more about the agenda. We’ll provide further information soon, stay tuned.

Highlighted Talks/Workshops

Title: Scale and Democratize Reduced Order Modeling Techniques within an SPDM Framework
Session: 4-B SPDM 2
Date & Time: Jun 11, 2024 | 11:40 AM CEST
Speaker: Matteo Francia
Title: Leveraging Business Process Management for CAE-based Product Development
Session: 5-B SPDM 3
Date & Time: Jun 11, 2024 | 2:20 PM CEST
Speaker: Tobias Gloesslein


Matteo Francia

Head of Professional Services


Tobias Gloesslein

Lead Engineer Technical Support

ESTECO Software GmbH