AIAA AVIATION Forum 2020 goes virtual from 15 to 19 june 2020.
The AIAA AVIATION Forum is the only aviation event that covers the entire integrated spectrum of aviation business, research, development, and technology.
The speakers and panelists participating in the live virtual plenary and Forum 360 sessions are proven business leaders and innovators. They are thought leaders with their fingers on the pulse of the aviation industry.
Detailed program is available here.
Join us live on Tuesday June 16 from 11.00 - 11.30 am (Eastern Daylight Time USA - GMT-4.): Roel Van De Velde, Director A&D, will introduce ESTECO MDO technology and explain the benefits of migrating from a traditional desktop approach to a modern server based approach.
ESTECO is one of the exhibitors of the Forum: visit the exhibitors page and have a look at our virtual booth.