Agile Business Day 2019

ESTECO is proud to sponsor the Agile Business Day that will be held in Venice on 13th-14th September 2019.
This year ABD becomes two conferences in one. In addition to the Saturday meeting, focused on Business Agility, Friday will be dedicated to the "human factor" of Agile, with its own dedicated space and name.
This year’s conference main theme is Sustainability. Sustainability, one of the eight principles of the Agile Manifesto, is built into the Agile way of working and living.
Agile methodology adheres to the Agile Manifesto, published in 2001 by a group of software developers seeking to improve the development process. Today, Agile is quickly becoming one of the most commonly used work practices in the software industry. Agile offers a variety of techniques that companies can use to suit their production needs; ESTECO, for example, has successfully been using the Scrum system for a number of years.
The conference is targeted at project managers, scrum masters, PO, HR, and coaches interested in Agile, offering attendees the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas and share experiences.