Yves de Montcheuil
Co-founder, Senior Marketing Executive, Strategic Advisor to Startups & Scale-upsYves de Montcheuil
Co-founder, Senior Marketing Executive, Strategic Advisor to Startups & Scale-upsYves de Montcheuil has over 20 years of marketing and executive leadership experience for successful and rapidly growing software companies in information management, application infrastructure and enterprise technology. Beyond marketing, he also has an extensive understanding of the workings of an hypergrowth technology company, the dynamics of structuring the organization, and the financing of its development.

Using modeFRONTIER to design the world's fastest speedcraft
Written by Yves de Montcheuil
28 January 2022 · 4 min read
ESTECO has committed to support Syroco’s quest to design a speedcraft capable of shattering the World sailing speed record.