Riccardo Di Meo
Riccardo Di Meo
Riccardo Di Meo is a software developer at ESTECO. He holds a bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Trieste. Before joining ESTECO in 2017, he participated in several successful GRID and HPC projects and collaborations with different scientific institutions; later, he moved to the private sector to work on medical and pharmaceutical mobile apps. He is currently leading the effort to provide Python-based functionalities in the ESTECO software solutions.

Instantly predict design behavior with Python based Response Surface Models
Written by Alberto Clarich, Danilo Di Stefano, Alessandro Viola, Riccardo Di Meo
29 November 2022 · 5 min read
Python RSM bridge in modeFRONTIER is a very effective way of dealing with complexity, at any level, when creating RSM models.