Matteo Gazzin
Head of Professional ServicesMatteo Gazzin
Head of Professional ServicesMatteo Gazzin led the Professional Services Team at ESTECO until 2022, with the responsibility of supporting pre-sales and post-sales activities, overseeing the implementation projects of VOLTA, ESTECO enterprise software solution. He joined ESTECO in 2011 as Full Stack Enterprise Software Developer in the early stages of the VOLTA development. He graduated with a Master of Science in Software Engineering from the University of Trieste.

Break down data silos and democratize the simulation process with APIs
Written by Matteo Gazzin
30 June 2021 · 5 min read
In today’s data-driven businesses, accessing enterprise-wide information is a must to maximize operational efficiencies and discover new opportunities. Indeed, nine out of ten IT leaders consider data silos as the main cause of significant business problems for most enterprises.

Beyond the cloud: handling on-demand workloads with VOLTA elastic distributed execution
Written by Matteo Gazzin
6 November 2020 · 5 min read
Over the last two decades, simulation and design optimization have become key to developing better products while reducing costs and time to market. This process is continuously evolving, increasing the level of detail of analysis and integrating multiple disciplines.