
Carlo Poloni


Carlo Poloni


Carlo Poloni is the president of ESTECO. A Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Trieste, he co-founded ESTECO in 1999. He previously worked at Aeritalia and Sincrotrone Trieste and joined the University of Trieste as a researcher with a focus on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. He has authored more than 100 papers and collaborates with international companies and organizations. He is founder member of AISE, the Italian Association of Systems Engineering, affiliated to INCOSE.

Blog post

25 years of ESTECO: Fostering innovation in sailing with Design Optimization

Written by Carlo Poloni

12 August 2024 · 10 min read

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, ESTECO partner for three consecutive races, this year competes using modeFRONTIER software in the 37th America’s Cup final phase.

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Blog post

25 years of ESTECO | Once upon a startup…

Written by Carlo Poloni

19 February 2024 · 10 min read

Like all startups, everything begins with a good idea. But looking back at our first steps, it’s clear that passion, luck and the people you meet on your way can really make a difference.

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ESTECO’s future vision for industry 4.0, digital engineering technologies and product management
Blog post

Carlo Poloni, president of ESTECO, gives his perspective on the future of Industry 4.0, digital engineering technologies and product development.

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Freight trains and containers on tracks from above illustrate the complexity of port logistics optimization
Blog post

BPMN in transportation: ESTECO's pivotal role in port logistics optimization

Written by Carlo Poloni

11 May 2021 · 8 min read

Our BPMN editor Cardanit was part of a project used to optimize the railway system model of Trieste port in Italy to find out current bottlenecks. Documental procedures & train movements became business processes to analyze and scrutinize in order to further develop the project.

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America's Cup AC75 yachts revving up for competition in Aukland
Blog post

ESTECO Technology for America's Cup - AC75 yachts flying on water in Auckland

Written by Carlo Poloni

16 December 2020 · 5 min read

Sailing yachts have always represented fruitful ground for multidisciplinary design optimization. No surprise that challenges in this field have accompanied the development of ESTECO from the very beginning.

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Business people working on collaborative engineering and leveraging the right technology to achieve great innovation ideas
Blog post

Engineers of any specialization have always made decisions on quantitative attributes, and the same should occur today.

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