Angela Scardigli
Angela Scardigli
After graduating in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Pisa, Angela Scardigli obtained a PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics within an industrial apprenticeship programme jointly supervised by the Polytechnic University of Torino and OPTIMAD. Since 2013 she has been part of OPTIMAD R&D team, where she has been involved in several national and European projects for the development of reduced-order models for numerical simulation. Now a senior Professional Services consultant specialized in automotive, naval and aeronautical applications, she is proficient in optimization, fluid dynamic simulation and data-driven problems.

Enhancing an FDA centrifugal blood pump through simulation and parametric design optimization
Written by Braydan Collins, Claudio Miccoli, Angela Scardigli
28 March 2024 · 5 min read
We developed a comprehensive numerical methodology to validate and optimize the high-fidelity simulation of a centrifugal blood pump, building on the FDA’s initiative to standardize and validate high-fidelity simulations for medical devices.

Instant design predictions with Explainable AI through Reduced Order Modeling
Written by Simone Genovese, Angela Scardigli
23 January 2024 · 10 min read
Bring advanced ML and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) capabilities into the modeFRONTIER and VOLTA software